Simone Russell
Hello, I am Simone. I live and work in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have always been creative and artsy, and so I began my career doing something “practical” with my creativity, working as a graphic designer at various small companies, and one big corporate company; learning things as I went. The corporate job was very structured and didn’t allow for much creative wiggle room; so in my spare time I began painting and drawing things that allowed for creative expression and less structure. I’m now a professional hybrid artist / graphic designer.
As a designer, I fell in love with paper and print; and the creative things I could do with both. I’ve been asked on several occasions to design and create various invitations for my friends and family. I figured out that I was good at it, that I rather enjoyed it and that I wanted to explore more of this field. And so, here I am exploring the event stationery field. I also offer traditional graphic design services for those who need it.
I have always had a keen interest in nature and storytelling. I draw inspiration from my love of bees and the way they interact with their surroundings; this is evident in my current artworks. Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate; I hope that my work will tell their story and perhaps help save them. My work is simple in that it tends to focus on the subject; rather than the environment around it. I adorn most of my pieces with gold leaf as a visual representation of the innate value that nature exhibits. I try to let my chosen medium guide much of the world that is created within my work.
For the end result in any of my works, I’m hoping to create something beautiful, striking and emotionally resonant.
Every single day that I get to call this my job is an absolute blessing. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every person who has supported my creative journey.
If you wish to purchase any of the painting below please contact the artist directly:
Weaver Bird 3
Monarch Butterfly 2
Monarch Butterfly 1
Lacebug 3
Cherry Blossoms Bee
Bee But
Bee Purple Flowers
Bee Purple Background